Mistakes get made in all businesses, but when that mistake is on social media it can have a pandemic effect. One wayward post is all it takes to bring some brands to their knees! We all remember what happened to the “professional” who tweeted about not getting AIDS in Africa because she was white (a swift firing). Not all mistakes are that terrible, but why not learn from what others have done? For me, it was outsourcing my social media management to a foreign country.

When it comes down to it, you want to get as local as possible for your social media management because SM is where your customers connect with you. It takes more than native speakers of whichever language your business uses. You want a SM manager who knows your geographic area, slang, and truly understands the vibe of your community.

You also don’t want to get on every bandwagon that comes your way because you’ll never keep up. Use analytics to pinpoint which platforms are best for you, and don’t be on a certain site just because everyone else is doing it.

For more tips on SM mistakes to avoid, read the complete article here:


13 Social Media Mistakes That Can Tarnish Your Brand-with John Rampton2